Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nausea and Fast food Fixes

     Being that this is my first entry I suppose I should mention a little bit about myself and why I decided to blog. I'm a 29 year old first time mom-to-be and quite honestly have no idea what I'm doing. I'm sure that this is true with a lot of first time moms as well, but I feel especially lacking in the baby knowledge category. I am currently about 15 weeks pregnant give or take a few days and have a constant nagging nausea that is only appeased by fast food (bleh). Prior to becoming pregnant I ate a pretty healthy diet. Now, that has all flown out the window. Vegetables and most fruit make me gag and sometimes even vomit. I have found solace with fast food, namely French fries for some reason.

   I really want to be able to eat healthy again... Not only for myself, but for the life that is growing inside of me. Hopefully sometime soon I will be able to do so again.

  I decided that blogging would be a great outlet for me to share my thoughts and experiences during my first pregnancy. Mainly blogging is a way for me to express my frustrations as I learn the ins and outs of becoming a mother.

    I'd like to think that I am a moderately intelligent woman, but it makes me wonder when I have to read about every little thing regarding pregnancy and child birth. I feel like a complete dolt!

   I have been a bit over zealous when it comes to buying things for my future child...I believe I had just about everything bought by the time that I was 13 weeks pregnant. This includes clothing to which we don't know the gender of our child nor are we going to find out. My newest indulgence and the sole contributor to my insanity is cloth diapering. I am bound and determined to cloth diaper my child, but my goodness it is so confusing! I have read e-books, forums, how-to's, etc. I am still at a loss. Most mothers that cloth diaper don't start until after the child is just out of newborn stage, and this presents quite a problem for me as I'd like to begin from day 1. I am really hoping that the twitter party (http://www.clothdiapergeek.com/2013/04/win-and-learn-all-about-cloth-diapers.html) hosted by the "cloth diaper geek" will be able to give me much needed insight on where to start.  

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