Monday, November 30, 2015

So I have been extremely busy with Fox and having a difficult time dealing with his autism. I decided to pick up a new hobby to do when he is napping and otherwise indisposed. I have become an amazon product reviewer. This really is the coolest thing ever to be able to get products for extremely cheap or free in exchange for my honest and unbiased reviews. So, with that being said I am going to talk about a product I recently picked up.

So I will be placing a link at the bottom of this post which will be the video review I did for the Angel Baby Organic Toddler pillow.  I will also be posting the link to amazon in which you can purchase it if you wish.

So, honestly Fox absolutely abhors pillows but he has a really raspy breathing problem when he sleeps. So, I decided to try a toddler sized pillow in an attempt to fix this issue because quite honestly I can't sleep when he is breathing that way. It is VERY LOUD and a bit unnerving as well. So, I found this awesome pillow and was super excited to purchase it as it is 100% organic cotton!

Now we are a very organic family and we do not like to eat or use products that are not organic in fear of pesticides and other harmful, body-altering chemicals. So this pillow was a must for our family's peace of mind. I put my son down for a nap and placed him on his new pillow which was covered by a pillowcase, and I nursed him to sleep... Now normally he would move off of the pillow immediately, but not this time. This time he actually stayed asleep on it. He loves this pillow and guess what? No more awful raspy breathing. His head is elevated perfectly so he is able to breathe easily.

I am so in love with this pillow! I want an adult sized one lol. So there you have it, it is a wonderful little pillow that I highly recommend picking up for your toddler.

Please note that I received this product in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Link to my video review on YouTube:

Link to purchase on amazon:

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Catching up.... there have been quite a few developments.

I made this blog with the intention of keeping up with my pregnancy and really just growing with me. Unfortunately I had an extremely rough pregnancy, delivery, and after the fact I had to have 4 surgeries. So, let me catch up...

  I became extremely itchy the first day of my third trimester. Come to find out I had cholestasis of pregnancy. It was extremely stressful because very few doctors knew about it nor did they agree on my condition. The scary part was that between 37-38 weeks the baby could be born stillborn due to the increase of bile having a possibility of stopping its heart. I went to tons of specialists and had to have NST tests twice weekly.

  I had to be induced at 37 weeks and 4 days because the baby's fluid levels were non existent. He (we had a boy!) was born after a very rough, failed induction that ended in a general anesthesia c-section. He was beautiful. Born at 8 lbs. 1oz and was perfect. No NICU stay for him. Unfortunately when he was 10 weeks old; the day after Thanksgiving, I went in for emergency gallbladderectomy and to have a gallstone removed from my bile duct. The hospital sent me home the next day and I was right back in the hospital with awful pain. Come to find out they neglected to tell me that I had a second stone stuck in the bifurcation of the duct... I went jaundice in their care for 2 weeks while they waited for me to a MRI to see the stone..... the machine was broken. Fast forward and we had failed surgery number 1.... they woke me up and told me to make a split minute decision in which to either have full open surgery or opt for a liver drain to help the bile flow out. We opted for the bile drain. It was the most draining, awful feeling in the world... I hated it. Ill skip all the gory details, but they tried again with the stone removal and this time we got it out. After that surgery, it was like night and day. I was brand new!

Unfortunately during the time I had to pump and dump because I couldn't breastfeed my son from all the heavy narcotics they had me on for pain. I lost my milk supply and had to attempt to get it back by lactation bars and oatmeal... Luckily it worked and we have been going strong since.

Fastforward... almost 2 years. I have a beautiful, spunky little firey redhead that keeps me on my toes... but something isn't right. He stopped saying the few words that he had been saying. He forgot how to do certain things.... he doesn't like other kids. He has anxiety whenever we go anywhere where there are people. He lines up his toys over and over and gets frustrated and sometimes angry if you move them.... then he started hitting himself in the head with his hand. He began banging his head on walls and on the sliding glass door. I became increasingly worried.... so we had him assessed... his hearing was fine, his speech was note only lacking but not there at all.... and finally he was confirmed to be autistic.

He is now 25 months and is just about to start his ABA therapy and speech. Every single day is draining on me. He is into everything. He screams, he grunts, he pushes me... that is how he attempts to communicate with me, but clearly I don't always get it. I am exhausted and I am desperately clinging to the hope that my son will "grow out of it" and that he was misdiagnosed with being autistic as well as having global developmental delay. I pray every night that I will wake up the next morning and he will talk to me like a normal person... just say "Mom" or "I love you", that is all I want. I know it is selfish but I am breaking down inside as I see "normally developing" kids and how they interact with their parents. It truly breaks my heart. One day... I hope.